VTC.com Adobe Illustrator CS5 教學 英文版
軟體名稱: VTC.com Adobe Illustrator CS5
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
軟體類型: 教學
更新日期: 2010.09.20
軟體發行: VTC.com
官方網站: http://www.VTC.com/
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Adobe Illustrator是向量圖形編輯軟體的行業標準.目前最新的版本是CS5.現在隨著新
CS Live 聯機服務的集成,可為用戶提供極高的精度和強大功能。 透視圖、毛刷畫筆
、可變寬度筆觸和形狀生成器工具是 Illustrator向量圖形環境中諸多新功能中的一些。
該課程中: Dwayne Ferguson會教授大家快速熟悉需要掌握的工具.並演示了幾個手繪實
例項目.帶領大家深入瞭解Illustrator CS5.
主講: Dwayne Ferguson
Course Description:
Adobe Illustrator CS5 is the latest version of the industry standard vector
drawing application. Now with new features such as the Perspective Tool,
the Bristle Brush, Beautiful Strokes and new drawing modes, there are more
tools than ever for the creation of stunning art. Professional illustrator,
television animation art director and writer Dwayne Ferguson takes you on an
in-depth look at Illustrator CS5, taking you through the tools youll need
to master it quickly. The end of the course includes three fun yet practical
hands-on projects. Work Files are included.