
Digital Tutors Creative Development Motion Flow Rigging in Maya 2011 (Maya遠動流綁定創新開發教學) 英文DVD版

軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Creative Development Motion Flow Rigging in Maya 2011
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護種類: 無
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista /7
硬體需求: PC
軟體類型: Maya遠動流綁定創新開發教學
更新日期: 2011.11.01
軟體發行: Digital Tutors
官方網站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/training.php?pid=73
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

由Digital Tutors公司出品的Digital Tutors Creative Development Motion Flow
Rigging in Maya 2011 教程,Maya遠動流綁定創新開發教程。

教程所使用的軟件:Maya 2011

Maya 是目前世界上最為優秀的三維動畫的製作軟件之一,主要是為了影視應用而研
發的, 所以在出世後不久就在《精靈鼠小弟》、《恐龍等這些大片中一展身手。除
了影視方麵的應用外Maya 在三維動畫製作,影視廣告設計,多媒體製作甚至遊戲製
作領域都有很出色的表現。初識Maya 是目前世界上最為優秀的三維動畫的製作軟件
老牌三維製作軟件來說Maya還是一個新生兒,但Maya 憑借其強大的功能,友好的用
戶界麵和豐富的視覺效果, 一經推出就引起了動畫和影視界的廣泛關注,成為頂級

1. Introduction to the course
2. Introduction to the model and the end results
3. Theory section: programming nodes
4. Theory section: faux constraints
5. Theory section: interdependent systems
6. Creating the broken dependency loop for the auto shoulder
7. The dependency system
8. Finishing the automatic setup
9. Adding in the IK handles
10. Building the IK switches
11. Cleaning up the auto clavicle interface
12. Theory: Pose space tools
13. Pose space vs. Twist knee control
14. Building the legs
15. Fixing the reversed controls for the legs
16. Cleaning up the leg interface for export
17. Importing and setting up our invisible legs
18. Setting up the auto swivel on the hips
19. Continuing with the auto swivel functionality
20. Adding the other two axis to our automatic setup
21. Creating a better solution to measure distance
22. Dual constraints, exploring and resolving the issues
23. Cleaning up the system and creating a hierarchy
24. The auto hip switch
25. Re-exploring the wheel and swivel: a better solution
26. Starting the nSpine
27. Adding stretchy functionality to the nSpine
28. Completing the last steps to adding in stretchiness
29. A new method to add rotation to a spine
30. Uniting the leg system and the spine
31. Wrapping up the legs and spine, looking at limitations and issues
32. Finalizing the rig
33. Bonus lesson: tying the theoretical rig into a model
34. Bonus lesson: a quick explanation of the head controls
