
Digital Tutors Creative Development Enhanced IK Animal Rigging Maya 2012 (Maya 2012大貓角色 動畫綁定教程) 英文DVD版

軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Creative Development Enhanced IK Animal Rigging Maya 2012
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護種類: 無
破解說明: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista /7
硬體需求: PC
軟體類型: Maya 2012大貓角色動畫綁定教程
更新日期: 2011.11.01
軟體發行: Digital Tutors
官方網站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/11/training.php?pid=179
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

由Digital Tutors公司最新出品的Digital Tutors Creative Development Enhanc
ed IK Animal Rigging 教程。創新開發教程之Maya 2012大貓角色動畫綁定教程。

教程所使用的軟體:Maya 2012

相關內容:1. Introduction and overview
2. Taking a look at our enhanced IK setup in the hind legs
3. Comparing FK systems
4. Beginning the no flip knee
5. Creating our measure tool
6. No flip knee hierarchy for auto swivel hips
7. Finishing the knee and pole vector hiearchies
8. Finishing the no flip knee and understanding the PV buffer
9. Exporting out our mechanism
10. Theory adding FK controls
11. Creating and export the right Pole Vector
12. Creating a squash and stretch spine
13. The nSpine
14. Troubleshooting and looking at other options for spinal controls
15. Troubleshooting and looking at other options for spinal controls (par
t 2)
16. Spine revision using components instead of cluster for control
17. Adding in spinal rotations
18. Finishing the rotation controls and adding a kill switch
19. Completing the spine tool and prepping for the tail
20. Completing the tail setup
21. We begin our automatic hip orientation rig
22. Finishing up the automatic hip setup
23. Introduction to our model
24. Inserting the Spine and Tail
25. Editing the inserted setups
26. Anatomy of a cat and joint placement
27. Completing joint placement
28. Inserting our no flip knees and automatic hip tools
29. Adding rear IK handles and controlling stretch
30. Cleaning up the tail and prepping for the creation of the neck
31. Review of the neck and creation controls
32. Review of the skinned model
33. Enhancing the useful output from our Ik handles
34. Adding toe movements and troubleshooting
35. Adding in knee compensation for foot swivel
36. Wrapping up the hind paw
37. Beginning the foreleg controls
38. Building a pose space tool to automate the scapula
39. Finishing the automatic scapula and adding our controller
40. Adding rotational elements to our controller
41. Adding enhanced IK controls for the foreleg
42. Looking at the buffer group and discussing other rigging options
43. Wrapping up the neck controls
44. Implementing our motion flow hips
45. Setting up the chest controls
46. Setting up the COM and COG
47. Implementing the no flip pole vector into our foreleg
48. Parenting the head
49. Quick cleanup of the rig
50. Finishing up the tail
51. Tips to improve the rig
52. Final rig tests
